65 Hampden Road, Nedlands - SOLD

Freestanding Character Premises in Hampden Road Medical Precinct
+ Land Area 478sqm*
+ Building area 100sqm* GBA
+ Rare opportunity
+ Ample on site parking
+ 450 metres* from the University of WA
+ 800 metres* from Hollywood Specialist Centre
+ 1.1 kilometres* from Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital
+ 1.0 kilometre* from Perth Children’s Hospital
Key Investment Features
+ Refurbishment potential
+ Excellent on site parking
+ Rarely available
+ Suit owner occupier
+ Multiple uses (STCA)
+ Prime location
+ Medical precinct
+ Periodic lease
Located within the very tightly held Hampden Road precinct, where a mix of retail, commercial, residential and medical properties are located, 65 Hampden Road is one of very few properties to come for sale within this area.
Land Details
Frontage to Hampden Road - 12 metres*
Depth - 39.5 metres*
Total Land Area - 478sqm*
Tenancy Details
The premises is currently leased on a periodic basis with a residential tenancy in place at $470 per week. Please refer to Selling Agent for further details.
The property is zoned ‘Mixed Use’ with a Residential Design Code of R-AC3.
Legal Description
Lot 567 on Plan 2300 Certificate of Title Volume 1138 Folio 579.
Asking Price
$1,495,000 plus GST
Goods and Services Tax
The sellers are registered for GST and the buyer will be required to pay GST on the purchase price.
For further details please contact the selling agents.
To Register Your Interest or to Arrange a Private Viewing
Please Contact
0408 912 874
Amanda Gray Property
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